
4.9 ( 9199 ratings )
Health & Fitness Entretenimento
Developer: Man Pui Sally Chan

The app will measure people’s happiness, activities and location using surveys.

This app has been developed by the psychology and zoology department at University of Cambridge, RSPB, UNEP-WCMC. It is funded by the Cambridge Conservation Initiative and is part of a research program on human well-being. We are interested in understanding the relationship between your direct environment and your well-being.

There are no major risks to your participation in our study however if any of the questions makes you feel uncomfortable feel free to skip it.

Your participation in this study is voluntary, and you are free to uninstall our app at anytime. We cannot promise the study will benefit you but we will do our best to provide you with interesting reports. The information we get from this app will help answer important research questions about the relationships between human well-being and their environment.
We take your privacy very seriously and thus we make sure your data stays anonymous and safe. We do not collect your name or email address so the data can’t be linked to your identity. All of our data is saved on a private, secure server in our lab. No one has access to the server except the research team and your data will only be used for research purposes.
The project has received ethical approval from the Psychology Research Ethics Committee of the University of Cambridge. If you have any concerns or questions about any aspect of this study, you may email me at [email protected].

Thank you very much for participating.